Sometimes life can be surprising, right?
Sometimes everything goes smoothly, all the pieces of the puzzle seem to fall nicely into place and then suddenly... suddenly life challenges you for something you would not have chosen yourself.
To me as well it happened:
``You know, Christophe, the economic crisis, Chapter 11 in the US - we really cannot ignore the fact that we have to save and thus cut in the European operations - well, you don’t need to come anymore next month ... `` After 15 years of sales and sales management in the financial services and ICT sector, that was the message I received on a dreary November day.
A cold shower? Yes - at least the first few weeks!
Soon however I realized that this gave me the opportunity to think for a moment, to take some distance. Thinking of course is only one thing, doing something with it is something else. This brings me to what unites me with IAS, i.e. personal development - this inherent desire to become more and more yourself. This translates among others for me into:
• Recognizing each other's shortcomings
• Be aware of each other's growth potential
• Standing up for your beliefs and feelings without ignoring those of others
• Team efficiency and -connection
• Authentic leadership
• Customer Delight at the heart of the strategy
• etc...
... and subsequently start working with it as an individual and as a team. A real challenge where guidance and coaching is likely needed ...
With my experience I take within IAS to heart with conviction and full enthusiasm our activities related to personal and team effectiveness, communication, customer delight, etc... The basis is again and again ``Know yourself!`` How do you want to be successful in what you do when you do not know yourself, when you are not aware of your own impact on others?
To me already a fantastic challenge... which I am lucky to do with an equally fantastic team.
Who works alone, sums up
Who cooperates, multiplies
(Oriental Wisdom)