Developing a code of conduct for EV interventions


  • Develop a national standard, a code of good practice for organizations confronted with technical interventions on e-vehicles


  • 06/2016 – now

Companies involved

  • IAS (as driving force)
  • National Bureau of Normalization (NBN)
  • Independent Sector Experts
  • Representatives of car manufacturers
  • Representatives of public mobility companies


IAS felt the lack of transparency and the difficulty to adapt an organization to get it in line with regulations concerning the safety of employees working on electrified vehicles. Even the official external safety advising companies where not able to help with the implementation of the applicable safety requirements. The subject was too new…

IAS took the initiative and gathered different stakeholders confronted with the same challenge.

We offered them to collaborate on a standard in partnership with the National Bureau of Normalization (NBN).


The standard is still in development and should be finalised and released very soon! Our starting point was the AREI regulation, combined with the French (NF) and Dutch (NEN) e-vehicle standards the Belgian standard has been created step by step.

The focus is set on organization and how they can quickly adapt their processes, company culture and structure in order to get their own organization to work safely on these new technologies. A toolkit has been developed in order to guarantee a pragmatic implementation.